all postcodes in IP26 / THETFORD

find any address or company within the IP26 postcode district

Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP26 4BA 17 1 52.485369 0.521532
IP26 4BB 29 0 52.484061 0.525081
IP26 4BD 7 0 52.484839 0.521472
IP26 4BE 16 0 52.484818 0.520779
IP26 4BG 9 0 52.485002 0.519744
IP26 4BH 8 0 52.486088 0.518583
IP26 4BJ 44 3 52.486731 0.517154
IP26 4BL 18 0 52.486949 0.514051
IP26 4BP 28 0 52.486956 0.511606
IP26 4BQ 1 0 52.484413 0.519975
IP26 4BS 7 0 52.48637 0.51122
IP26 4BT 10 0 52.485722 0.511683
IP26 4BU 16 0 52.487089 0.512527
IP26 4BX 10 0 52.486282 0.513689
IP26 4BY 28 0 52.48697 0.513051
IP26 4BZ 8 0 52.486874 0.523887
IP26 4DA 1 0 52.48773 0.523803
IP26 4DB 25 2 52.488585 0.525509
IP26 4DD 18 0 52.488597 0.52867
IP26 4DE 19 0 52.490661 0.526806