all postcodes in IP27 / BRANDON

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Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP27 9AZ 3 0 52.392073 0.528316
IP27 9BA 1 0 52.387972 0.527087
IP27 9BB 6 0 52.381329 0.526982
IP27 9BD 10 1 52.380312 0.527428
IP27 9BE 8 0 52.374625 0.529733
IP27 9BG 17 0 52.375866 0.53095
IP27 9BH 18 1 52.37346 0.530779
IP27 9BJ 5 0 52.363497 0.559548
IP27 9BL 5 0 52.368711 0.573699
IP27 9BN 2 0 52.364097 0.613503
IP27 9BP 3 0 52.379722 0.565233
IP27 9BQ 6 0 52.37415 0.529207
IP27 9BS 2 0 52.379848 0.541519
IP27 9BU 1 0 52.396856 0.573738
IP27 9BW 4 0 52.381537 0.587145
IP27 9BX 10 2 52.408803 0.513794
IP27 9BY 44 2 52.404292 0.501349
IP27 9BZ 11 1 52.401757 0.501319
IP27 9DA 35 0 52.405132 0.529068
IP27 9DB 3 0 52.407467 0.529637