all postcodes in IP28 / BURY ST. EDMUNDS

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Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP28 6UT 2 0 52.330851 0.681692
IP28 6NE 1 1 52.265162 0.559257
IP28 6US 0 52.265355 0.641888
IP28 6SH 19 0 52.309585 0.516178
IP28 6LP 1 0 52.289653 0.684572
IP28 6HD 1 0 52.30678 0.647289
IP28 6LW 0 52.289395 0.669364
IP28 6WF 15 0 52.309958 0.517637
IP28 6WG 15 0 52.310372 0.51722
IP28 6WJ 4 0 52.309838 0.516926
IP28 6DD 1 0 52.284772 0.576295
IP28 6BF 1 1 52.321606 0.508231
IP28 6SF 0 52.311703 0.550704
IP28 6AH 1 1 52.338175 0.537855
IP28 6BE 0 52.333965 0.5207
IP28 6BP 1 0 52.324425 0.516052
IP28 6RU 11 0 52.264568 0.637648
IP28 6RY 4 0 52.264403 0.636554