all postcodes in IP28 / BURY ST. EDMUNDS

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IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP28 8DD 7 0 52.372637 0.4929
IP28 8DE 4 0 52.372741 0.494816
IP28 8DF 6 0 52.380221 0.500032
IP28 8DH 20 2 52.371475 0.481497
IP28 8DJ 12 0 52.375997 0.472519
IP28 8DL 8 1 52.376983 0.476149
IP28 8DN 40 1 52.378187 0.476628
IP28 8DP 13 2 52.372713 0.46355
IP28 8ZD 1 0 52.372611 0.462021
IP28 8DQ 5 0 52.373457 0.467147
IP28 8DR 2 0 52.375538 0.466087
IP28 8DS 19 3 52.382205 0.458587
IP28 8DT 9 1 52.392108 0.449378
IP28 8DU 16 1 52.392655 0.456375
IP28 8DW 7 1 52.374206 0.467017
IP28 8DX 4 0 52.387693 0.4658
IP28 8DY 3 0 52.394691 0.445376
IP28 8DZ 10 0 52.398895 0.439919
IP28 8EA 6 0 52.400303 0.438771
IP28 8EB 11 1 52.409451 0.441722