all postcodes in IP29 / BURY ST. EDMUNDS

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Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP29 4UY 38 0 52.189824 0.615341
IP29 4XA 4 0 52.193176 0.61946
IP29 4XB 27 0 52.193885 0.618302
IP29 4XD 9 0 52.192969 0.618658
IP29 4HE 5 0 52.140076 0.72802
IP29 4PU 0 52.161535 0.711551
IP29 4RW 9 0 52.176343 0.752825
IP29 4SG 0 52.176332 0.721052
IP29 4WA 10 0 52.187279 0.619259
IP29 4WB 12 0 52.187262 0.619756
IP29 4WD 3 0 52.18771 0.619709
IP29 4WE 2 0 52.188519 0.620151
IP29 4TS 5 0 52.188763 0.689286
IP29 5AA 32 0 52.241583 0.583623
IP29 5AB 13 2 52.242421 0.586001
IP29 5AD 22 0 52.242389 0.587479
IP29 5AE 13 0 52.243767 0.589844
IP29 5AF 31 2 52.240346 0.581369
IP29 5AG 37 0 52.241628 0.581165
IP29 5AJ 5 0 52.242401 0.580345