all postcodes in IP29 / BURY ST. EDMUNDS

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IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP29 5DF 17 2 52.243516 0.583618
IP29 5DG 34 0 52.242813 0.583314
IP29 5DH 22 0 52.243654 0.585956
IP29 5DJ 30 0 52.24388 0.58424
IP29 5DL 34 0 52.244783 0.595558
IP29 5DN 36 0 52.239743 0.581407
IP29 5DP 12 0 52.243068 0.585614
IP29 5DQ 14 0 52.243077 0.584384
IP29 5DS 17 0 52.239125 0.582938
IP29 5DT 12 1 52.240652 0.585049
IP29 5DU 16 0 52.240338 0.585836
IP29 5DX 22 3 52.238648 0.585826
IP29 5DY 29 0 52.238522 0.583372
IP29 5DZ 17 0 52.239225 0.582475
IP29 5ED 4 0 52.237611 0.562886
IP29 5EE 2 0 52.237855 0.579656
IP29 5EF 9 0 52.237676 0.57764
IP29 5EL 5 0 52.22622 0.571031
IP29 5EG 6 0 52.236225 0.577775
IP29 5EH 3 0 52.228469 0.568935