all postcodes in IP29 / BURY ST. EDMUNDS

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Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP29 5LP 3 0 52.224731 0.724245
IP29 5LQ 2 0 52.234903 0.64478
IP29 5LR 1 1 52.242165 0.753105
IP29 5LT 6 0 52.227784 0.726835
IP29 5LU 24 3 52.220898 0.728302
IP29 5LY 11 0 52.21784 0.726343
IP29 5LZ 13 2 52.212404 0.718383
IP29 5NA 0 52.213914 0.723877
IP29 5NB 0 52.216118 0.730425
IP29 5ND 4 52.216817 0.735197
IP29 5NE 0 52.215599 0.731857
IP29 5NF 0 52.214249 0.729988
IP29 5NH 0 52.203879 0.726527
IP29 5NJ 0 52.199264 0.720771
IP29 5NL 0 52.197852 0.718416
IP29 5NN 0 52.195204 0.72358
IP29 5NP 0 52.193981 0.721341
IP29 5NR 1 52.189644 0.723007
IP29 5NS 0 52.190554 0.718615
IP29 5NT 0 52.199428 0.717853