all postcodes in IP2 / IPSWICH

find any address or company within the IP2 postcode district

Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP2 0BT 16 0 52.055244 1.114742
IP2 0BU 4 0 52.054198 1.112467
IP2 0BX 1 1 52.05891 1.131952
IP2 0DA 12 0 52.054296 1.110796
IP2 0DB 6 0 52.056341 1.116132
IP2 0DD 16 5 52.059731 1.123371
IP2 0DE 12 0 52.056506 1.118055
IP2 0DF 16 0 52.05672 1.118215
IP2 0DG 32 1 52.058488 1.118601
IP2 0DH 9 0 52.057893 1.122805
IP2 0DL 20 0 52.057439 1.116427
IP2 0DP 6 0 52.057227 1.122496
IP2 0DR 7 0 52.057506 1.123187
IP2 0DS 20 0 52.056401 1.115217
IP2 0DT 7 0 52.057296 1.115731
IP2 0DU 8 0 52.057131 1.11483
IP2 0DX 1 1 52.057288 1.133764
IP2 0EA 5 0 52.055709 1.114162
IP2 0EB 2 2 52.057811 1.133276
IP2 0EE 5 0 52.057825 1.132138