all postcodes in IP3 / IPSWICH

find any address or company within the IP3 postcode district

Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP3 8BS 0 52.051495 1.178742
IP3 8BT 0 52.05127 1.180083
IP3 8BU 0 52.050722 1.180394
IP3 8BX 1 52.049286 1.180511
IP3 8BY 0 52.051169 1.181039
IP3 8BZ 2 52.051938 1.180991
IP3 8DB 2 52.050928 1.181736
IP3 8DD 3 52.051869 1.18211
IP3 8HX 1 52.050629 1.18348
IP3 8DE 1 52.051776 1.182877
IP3 8DH 0 52.050672 1.170908
IP3 8DL 2 52.048486 1.181826
IP3 8DN 2 52.049101 1.181475
IP3 8DP 0 52.05225 1.177746
IP3 8DS 0 52.05051 1.172225
IP3 8DT 0 52.04946 1.174163
IP3 8DU 0 52.049874 1.175155
IP3 8DX 0 52.049221 1.175342
IP3 8DY 1 52.049022 1.176408
IP3 8DZ 2 52.048787 1.177762