all postcodes in IP3 / IPSWICH

find any address or company within the IP3 postcode district

Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP3 9PF 0 52.036499 1.188819
IP3 9PG 0 52.036115 1.186736
IP3 9PH 0 52.034823 1.183611
IP3 9PL 12 52.034695 1.199497
IP3 9PP 0 52.040913 1.185794
IP3 9PQ 0 52.035229 1.184587
IP3 9PR 0 52.04028 1.186026
IP3 9PS 0 52.03982 1.187408
IP3 9PT 0 52.039301 1.187998
IP3 9PU 0 52.039428 1.187292
IP3 9PX 0 52.038227 1.188447
IP3 9PY 0 52.036803 1.190241
IP3 9QA 0 52.035841 1.192185
IP3 9QB 0 52.035263 1.19194
IP3 9QD 0 52.034341 1.194105
IP3 9QE 0 52.032711 1.197489
IP3 9QR 24 52.034832 1.197771
IP3 9QS 1 52.033898 1.196523
IP3 9QT 0 52.034831 1.194636
IP3 9QU 0 52.036019 1.193583