all postcodes in IP31 / BURY ST. EDMUNDS

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IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP31 2BD 1 0 52.326123 0.894846
IP31 2BG 1 1 52.321427 0.924083
IP31 2BH 21 0 52.325903 0.886935
IP31 2BJ 34 0 52.32532 0.886868
IP31 2BL 11 0 52.325762 0.889363
IP31 2BN 77 0 52.318973 0.905812
IP31 2BP 26 5 52.322912 0.884569
IP31 2BS 7 0 52.323985 0.884815
IP31 2BT 1 1 52.324207 0.885651
IP31 2BU 4 0 52.323538 0.885813
IP31 2BW 37 0 52.318483 0.901245
IP31 2BX 14 1 52.324558 0.880493
IP31 2BY 10 0 52.323337 0.882248
IP31 2BZ 33 7 52.323751 0.87639
IP31 2DA 5 1 52.324306 0.883441
IP31 2DB 6 1 52.323419 0.883692
IP31 2DD 6 0 52.323039 0.88377
IP31 2DE 3 1 52.322812 0.884283
IP31 2DF 17 0 52.321352 0.880373
IP31 2DG 13 0 52.322683 0.882528