all postcodes in IP4 / IPSWICH

find any address or company within the IP4 postcode district

Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP4 1PL 0 52.054452 1.176151
IP4 1PN 0 52.054629 1.174588
IP4 1PP 1 52.053869 1.175439
IP4 1PR 0 52.054544 1.172729
IP4 1PS 0 52.054044 1.173934
IP4 1PT 0 52.053986 1.17676
IP4 1PU 0 52.053544 1.177808
IP4 1QB 0 52.053264 1.17916
IP4 1QD 0 52.053857 1.179187
IP4 1QE 0 52.054335 1.178142
IP4 1QF 0 52.054641 1.177492
IP4 1QH 0 52.052616 1.162162
IP4 1QL 1 52.052638 1.146583
IP4 1RA 3 52.055432 1.155314
IP4 1WB 0 52.052638 1.146583
IP4 1DT 20 0 52.054847 1.155083
IP4 1BS 0 52.055126 1.158444
IP4 1DJ 70 0 52.05264 1.154797
IP4 1FF 88 0 52.052648 1.158269
IP4 1GY 0 52.055535 1.170319