all postcodes in IP4 / IPSWICH

find any address or company within the IP4 postcode district

Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP4 2PL 0 52.059943 1.167874
IP4 2PN 0 52.060675 1.168159
IP4 2PP 0 52.060857 1.168741
IP4 2PU 1 52.057257 1.161833
IP4 2PW 0 52.059951 1.168677
IP4 2PZ 1 52.057342 1.16235
IP4 2QD 0 52.05736 1.169019
IP4 2QE 0 52.058194 1.168772
IP4 2QH 0 52.059009 1.168902
IP4 2QJ 0 52.06005 1.169239
IP4 2QN 0 52.060371 1.16932
IP4 2QP 1 52.059412 1.169325
IP4 2QQ 0 52.058285 1.167727
IP4 2QR 0 52.059256 1.170087
IP4 2QS 0 52.060299 1.169767
IP4 2QT 0 52.060028 1.170492
IP4 2QU 0 52.060587 1.171422
IP4 2RA 0 52.060823 1.17103
IP4 2RD 0 52.059811 1.171512
IP4 2RE 0 52.059167 1.172386