all postcodes in IP5 / IPSWICH

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Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP5 1DL 6 0 52.069256 1.201721
IP5 1DN 59 0 52.073459 1.212851
IP5 1DP 2 0 52.079049 1.223793
IP5 1DQ 7 0 52.072117 1.21061
IP5 1DR 6 0 52.072039 1.206532
IP5 1DS 6 0 52.075171 1.203064
IP5 1DT 3 0 52.07544 1.197551
IP5 1DU 5 0 52.077196 1.192509
IP5 1DW 28 1 52.072966 1.214115
IP5 1DX 9 0 52.072688 1.197793
IP5 1DY 8 0 52.07246 1.196667
IP5 1EA 25 0 52.072437 1.208093
IP5 1EB 40 0 52.072869 1.210751
IP5 1ED 37 0 52.07075 1.212248
IP5 1EE 29 1 52.063775 1.227887
IP5 1EF 7 0 52.062557 1.228018
IP5 1EG 15 0 52.061713 1.227986
IP5 1EH 14 0 52.060765 1.222519
IP5 1EJ 35 0 52.06041 1.225309
IP5 1EL 12 0 52.061413 1.225805