all postcodes in IP5 / IPSWICH

find any address or company within the IP5 postcode district

Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP5 2EA 22 0 52.060505 1.25552
IP5 2EB 54 0 52.059812 1.255864
IP5 2ED 11 0 52.060305 1.25428
IP5 2EE 19 0 52.059543 1.255494
IP5 2EF 10 0 52.059547 1.254692
IP5 2EG 13 0 52.060535 1.253772
IP5 2EH 2 0 52.059881 1.252936
IP5 2EJ 14 0 52.059476 1.253709
IP5 2EL 59 0 52.058818 1.249182
IP5 2EN 4 1 52.058534 1.254268
IP5 2EP 49 0 52.058916 1.256047
IP5 2EQ 30 0 52.061041 1.254684
IP5 2ES 2 2 52.056871 1.241731
IP5 2ET 4 4 52.062331 1.236567
IP5 2EX 11 0 52.05938 1.256504
IP5 2FA 57 0 52.064305 1.247873
IP5 2FB 53 0 52.061122 1.243585
IP5 2FD 9 0 52.061244 1.244368
IP5 2FE 11 0 52.060675 1.244779
IP5 2FF 41 0 52.058564 1.245997