all postcodes in IP6 / IPSWICH

find any address or company within the IP6 postcode district

Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP6 9BH 23 0 52.08962 1.193061
IP6 9BJ 23 0 52.091539 1.194921
IP6 9BL 6 0 52.09094 1.195783
IP6 9BN 18 0 52.091132 1.196893
IP6 9BT 31 1 52.09172 1.198775
IP6 9BP 2 0 52.091327 1.197666
IP6 9BQ 6 0 52.084989 1.174058
IP6 9BS 6 0 52.09091 1.197461
IP6 9BU 2 0 52.091419 1.197921
IP6 9BW 5 0 52.092389 1.201713
IP6 9BX 2 0 52.092155 1.200981
IP6 9BY 8 0 52.096002 1.199825
IP6 9BZ 14 0 52.089075 1.195227
IP6 9DA 3 0 52.079444 1.191196
IP6 9DB 9 0 52.090772 1.202298
IP6 9DD 9 2 52.094961 1.209564
IP6 9DE 2 0 52.093019 1.213834
IP6 9DG 4 0 52.098252 1.221878
IP6 9DH 6 0 52.09589 1.225694
IP6 9DJ 3 0 52.099422 1.231688