all postcodes in IP8 / IPSWICH

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Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP8 3PZ 7 0 52.038946 1.049847
IP8 3QA 2 0 52.039178 1.050607
IP8 3QB 1 0 52.043042 1.060452
IP8 3QD 6 2 52.03699 1.049087
IP8 3QE 9 0 52.038125 1.043827
IP8 3QF 15 0 52.037079 1.040285
IP8 3QG 16 4 52.034314 1.033491
IP8 3QH 5 1 52.034611 1.01928
IP8 3QJ 7 0 52.03587 1.017017
IP8 3QL 4 0 52.038341 1.02796
IP8 3QN 8 1 52.040221 1.018141
IP8 3QP 41 0 52.04237 1.03042
IP8 3QQ 3 0 52.031247 1.031403
IP8 3QR 38 0 52.041485 1.105472
IP8 3QS 26 0 52.040868 1.104685
IP8 3QT 16 0 52.03362 1.121638
IP8 3QU 39 0 52.034626 1.121679
IP8 3QW 3 0 52.040128 1.027745
IP8 3QX 21 0 52.034907 1.119905
IP8 3QY 28 0 52.034165 1.121443