all postcodes in IP9 / IPSWICH

find any address or company within the IP9 postcode district

Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP9 1BA 14 1 51.997101 1.187838
IP9 1BB 6 0 51.998376 1.175617
IP9 1BD 3 0 51.99392 1.175767
IP9 1BE 2 0 51.986195 1.179722
IP9 1BH 6 2 51.980355 1.185804
IP9 1BJ 12 0 51.969428 1.182465
IP9 1BL 24 0 51.969508 1.184146
IP9 1BN 13 0 51.968199 1.18232
IP9 1BP 18 0 51.969029 1.179248
IP9 1BS 10 0 51.967791 1.183106
IP9 1BT 10 1 51.968646 1.183764
IP9 1BU 1 0 51.968505 1.184977
IP9 1BW 3 0 51.965428 1.178716
IP9 1BX 1 0 51.961703 1.188076
IP9 1BY 5 0 51.96127 1.196388
IP9 1BZ 2 0 51.959194 1.207246
IP9 1DA 3 0 51.971365 1.198257
IP9 1DB 8 5 51.973541 1.195936
IP9 1DD 1 0 51.973236 1.192769
IP9 1DE 6 1 51.970898 1.192938