all postcodes in IV12 / NAIRN

find any address or company within the IV12 postcode district

Postcode Area

IV / Inverness

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IV12 5NT 19 2 57.576812 -3.913569
IV12 5NU 10 0 57.57389 -3.935924
IV12 5NW 19 0 57.576894 -3.897199
IV12 5NX 8 3 57.57086 -3.924877
IV12 5NY 25 1 57.553339 -3.929685
IV12 5NZ 40 0 57.571286 -3.91398
IV12 5PA 11 0 57.572877 -3.896689
IV12 5PB 8 0 57.574966 -3.894005
IV12 5PD 14 0 57.574313 -3.894389
IV12 5PE 8 0 57.573589 -3.894285
IV12 5PG 14 0 57.578417 -3.896927
IV12 5PH 19 0 57.578295 -3.897891
IV12 5PJ 22 0 57.5786 -3.89431
IV12 5PL 14 0 57.578539 -3.895946
IV12 5PN 14 0 57.574962 -3.90143
IV12 5PP 1 0 57.561161 -3.790896
IV12 5PQ 18 0 57.577619 -3.893825
IV12 5PR 5 1 57.544906 -3.775778
IV12 5PS 1 0 57.546361 -3.764319
IV12 5PT 2 0 57.50577 -3.743865