all postcodes in IV1 / INVERNESS

find any address or company within the IV1 postcode district

Postcode Area

IV / Inverness

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IV1 1LY 1 1 57.48495 -4.212342
IV1 1NA 8 3 57.480968 -4.229283
IV1 1NB 42 4 57.483077 -4.231079
IV1 1ND 24 0 57.482902 -4.229784
IV1 1NE 41 0 57.483758 -4.230571
IV1 1NF 16 8 57.484195 -4.229329
IV1 1NG 4 0 57.483304 -4.229826
IV1 1NH 3 3 57.480977 -4.225714
IV1 1NJ 10 0 57.482511 -4.227909
IV1 1NL 10 0 57.483045 -4.228692
IV1 1NP 37 1 57.48276 -4.227557
IV1 1NQ 5 4 57.481209 -4.226312
IV1 1NR 13 1 57.48327 -4.229157
IV1 1NS 40 0 57.483067 -4.227575
IV1 1NT 1 1 57.484579 -4.228836
IV1 1NU 1 1 57.479403 -4.226319
IV1 1NW 1 1 57.481227 -4.223343
IV1 1NX 1 1 57.482706 -4.232092
IV1 1NY 1 1 57.485085 -4.22865
IV1 1NZ 16 0 57.486238 -4.228003