all postcodes in IV2 / INVERNESS

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Postcode Area

IV / Inverness

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IV2 3DH 34 0 57.462862 -4.203737
IV2 3DJ 54 0 57.462712 -4.207212
IV2 3DL 83 0 57.460834 -4.194861
IV2 3DN 54 0 57.459617 -4.198189
IV2 3DP 36 0 57.460992 -4.197138
IV2 3DQ 44 0 57.464552 -4.204722
IV2 3DR 39 0 57.474827 -4.218801
IV2 3DT 33 0 57.461642 -4.192809
IV2 3DU 14 10 57.476784 -4.224024
IV2 3DX 1 1 57.477265 -4.224254
IV2 3DZ 1 1 57.474253 -4.1967
IV2 3EA 21 11 57.475578 -4.224618
IV2 3EB 2 2 57.477 -4.226006
IV2 3EE 1 1 57.476605 -4.22558
IV2 3EG 1 1 57.476185 -4.225355
IV2 3EJ 49 0 57.457834 -4.193781
IV2 3EL 36 0 57.458795 -4.193755
IV2 3EN 78 0 57.462878 -4.195134
IV2 3EP 1 1 57.477096 -4.224176
IV2 3ES 1 1 57.477397 -4.22351