all postcodes in IV27 / LAIRG

find any address or company within the IV27 postcode district

Postcode Area

IV / Inverness

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IV27 4LQ 1 1 58.147471 -5.243688
IV27 4LR 81 2 58.129804 -5.260447
IV27 4LT 40 1 58.153827 -5.246783
IV27 4LU 1 1 58.15019 -5.233939
IV27 4LW 2 0 58.147569 -5.20238
IV27 4LX 1 1 58.14974 -5.240571
IV27 4NG 8 0 58.228447 -5.257498
IV27 4NJ 10 2 58.250946 -5.118555
IV27 4NL 22 0 58.250375 -5.21768
IV27 4NN 21 0 58.237377 -5.176146
IV27 4NQ 11 0 58.243611 -5.205391
IV27 4NW 35 2 58.243136 -5.201302
IV27 4NY 10 2 58.171405 -4.698371
IV27 4NZ 12 0 58.282126 -4.821646
IV27 4PA 6 0 58.361623 -4.986149
IV27 4PN 38 7 58.568202 -4.750419
IV27 4PP 8 0 58.566487 -4.746569
IV27 4PQ 13 1 58.312615 -4.915415
IV27 4PR 13 0 58.569151 -4.746659
IV27 4PS 4 0 58.568724 -4.748292