all postcodes in IV30 / ELGIN

find any address or company within the IV30 postcode district

Postcode Area

IV / Inverness

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IV30 5GA 7 0 57.700662 -3.477556
IV30 5GB 7 0 57.700162 -3.476495
IV30 5GE 33 0 57.700633 -3.474635
IV30 5GP 22 0 57.700034 -3.479745
IV30 5GR 9 0 57.700169 -3.478962
IV30 5GS 9 0 57.700253 -3.481012
IV30 5JB 6 0 57.657014 -3.303224
IV30 5JG 1 1 57.65966 -3.328661
IV30 5JQ 7 0 57.70419 -3.441099
IV30 5NY 7 0 57.657922 -3.302302
IV30 5NZ 8 0 57.651792 -3.262703
IV30 5PE 3 0 57.668372 -3.31768
IV30 5PF 7 0 57.707442 -3.424428
IV30 5PG 12 0 57.668357 -3.293908
IV30 5PH 4 0 57.659183 -3.275712
IV30 5PJ 14 0 57.707389 -3.423554
IV30 5PL 17 0 57.707073 -3.424565
IV30 5PN 16 0 57.707904 -3.424916
IV30 5PP 16 5 57.65673 -3.34945
IV30 5PQ 17 1 57.671287 -3.275117