all postcodes in IV30 / ELGIN

find any address or company within the IV30 postcode district

Postcode Area

IV / Inverness

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IV30 4JF 17 0 57.656188 -3.298754
IV30 4JH 24 0 57.6574 -3.319696
IV30 4JL 30 0 57.661876 -3.309379
IV30 4JN 24 0 57.657786 -3.318872
IV30 4JP 20 0 57.659107 -3.315367
IV30 4JR 18 0 57.659187 -3.316358
IV30 4JS 59 0 57.659985 -3.317293
IV30 4JT 15 0 57.659241 -3.318925
IV30 4JU 34 0 57.659702 -3.316914
IV30 4JW 31 0 57.658223 -3.31572
IV30 4JX 41 1 57.660698 -3.315505
IV30 4JY 8 0 57.660675 -3.314016
IV30 4JZ 1 0 57.662311 -3.31736
IV30 4LA 17 0 57.662483 -3.316377
IV30 4LB 48 0 57.662184 -3.314959
IV30 4LD 31 0 57.66178 -3.313201
IV30 4LE 16 0 57.661309 -3.314357
IV30 4LF 3 1 57.663309 -3.311245
IV30 4LG 17 0 57.661874 -3.312145
IV30 4LH 53 3 57.66036 -3.311473