all postcodes in IV30 / ELGIN

find any address or company within the IV30 postcode district

Postcode Area

IV / Inverness

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IV30 1HH 2 0 57.649152 -3.307933
IV30 1HN 24 0 57.649593 -3.302456
IV30 1HQ 44 0 57.649487 -3.305113
IV30 1HS 2 2 57.650559 -3.312658
IV30 1HU 5 1 57.65122 -3.306653
IV30 1HX 6 5 57.647804 -3.285821
IV30 1HY 14 10 57.647625 -3.28759
IV30 1HZ 15 15 57.647051 -3.283951
IV30 1JA 1 0 57.646579 -3.322788
IV30 1JB 12 3 57.646016 -3.324225
IV30 1JD 16 0 57.646495 -3.321378
IV30 1JE 1 1 57.645912 -3.322426
IV30 1JG 2 2 57.646744 -3.318418
IV30 1JH 3 3 57.64602 -3.316937
IV30 1JJ 1 1 57.645135 -3.316553
IV30 1JL 1 1 57.646217 -3.316405
IV30 1JP 12 2 57.646824 -3.316729
IV30 1JQ 14 1 57.646508 -3.317474
IV30 1JR 15 7 57.646852 -3.315758
IV30 1JS 3 0 57.646543 -3.314979