all postcodes in IV51 / PORTREE

find any address or company within the IV51 postcode district

Postcode Area

IV / Inverness

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IV51 9EQ 26 0 57.415109 -6.210232
IV51 9ER 15 7 57.413356 -6.197032
IV51 9ES 49 1 57.410707 -6.201244
IV51 9ET 2 2 57.412786 -6.203599
IV51 9EU 34 3 57.406194 -6.20066
IV51 9EX 25 0 57.411071 -6.204602
IV51 9EY 8 0 57.416239 -6.190413
IV51 9EZ 9 0 57.412382 -6.19552
IV51 9GF 8 3 57.413319 -6.207867
IV51 9GP 1 1 57.413502 -6.196165
IV51 9GS 9 0 57.422836 -6.190784
IV51 9GU 7 0 57.406121 -6.202301
IV51 9HA 1 0 57.415822 -6.190232
IV51 9HB 29 1 57.413835 -6.205053
IV51 9HD 9 7 57.414835 -6.206084
IV51 9HF 5 3 57.414193 -6.20751
IV51 9HH 1 1 57.421468 -6.21183
IV51 9HJ 35 0 57.416167 -6.209537
IV51 9HL 16 11 57.421167 -6.210636
IV51 9HN 14 0 57.425393 -6.188543