all postcodes in IV / Inverness

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Postcode Area

IV / Inverness

Postcode District

IV / Inverness

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IV1 1PA 3 2 57.488684 -4.227401
IV1 1PB 5 2 57.486223 -4.227351
IV1 1PF 3 2 57.481217 -4.230048
IV1 1PG 12 9 57.479175 -4.224954
IV1 1PJ 23 15 57.478955 -4.225724
IV1 1PL 10 6 57.479015 -4.224894
IV1 1PP 6 6 57.478725 -4.224492
IV1 1PQ 9 8 57.479183 -4.225538
IV1 1PX 11 8 57.478703 -4.225759
IV1 1QA 6 3 57.478512 -4.22538
IV1 1QD 8 5 57.478418 -4.22519
IV1 1QF 1 1 57.478547 -4.224899
IV1 1QG 40 11 57.478412 -4.224407
IV1 1QL 9 3 57.478064 -4.225286
IV1 1QN 1 1 57.479375 -4.227918
IV1 1QQ 16 6 57.478103 -4.224605
IV1 1QU 4 4 57.478269 -4.227451
IV1 1QY 11 11 57.479132 -4.228437
IV1 1RE 23 0 57.480374 -4.230832
IV1 1RF 9 0 57.481373 -4.231293