all postcodes in KA1 / KILMARNOCK

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Postcode Area

KA / Kilmarnock

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KA1 1QY 1 1 55.604951 -4.497879
KA1 1RA 7 0 55.606022 -4.499583
KA1 1RB 1 1 55.604347 -4.49927
KA1 1RD 2 1 55.604156 -4.497571
KA1 1RE 8 0 55.597757 -4.514725
KA1 1RF 8 0 55.596656 -4.515369
KA1 1RG 10 3 55.60407 -4.497427
KA1 1RH 18 0 55.605699 -4.499086
KA1 1RJ 30 0 55.606178 -4.498513
KA1 1RL 12 0 55.598221 -4.51358
KA1 1RP 8 0 55.596722 -4.515675
KA1 1RQ 13 1 55.603808 -4.499283
KA1 1RR 20 0 55.606347 -4.499064
KA1 1RS 8 0 55.597303 -4.514982
KA1 1RU 16 1 55.605766 -4.501536
KA1 1RX 5 1 55.606222 -4.499913
KA1 1RY 17 0 55.604529 -4.504473
KA1 1RZ 26 1 55.604008 -4.504424
KA1 1SA 1 0 55.603791 -4.502759
KA1 1SB 25 0 55.603034 -4.504585