all postcodes in KA1 / KILMARNOCK

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Postcode Area

KA / Kilmarnock

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KA1 2EX 13 0 55.604834 -4.513718
KA1 2EY 3 0 55.605312 -4.515399
KA1 2EZ 23 0 55.604717 -4.515885
KA1 2HA 18 0 55.604454 -4.514709
KA1 2HB 16 0 55.604147 -4.516103
KA1 2HD 10 0 55.60382 -4.518019
KA1 2HE 5 0 55.60383 -4.517099
KA1 2HF 10 0 55.603092 -4.517115
KA1 2HG 3 0 55.602732 -4.518044
KA1 2HH 17 0 55.605409 -4.516787
KA1 2HJ 15 0 55.604896 -4.516373
KA1 2HL 7 0 55.60611 -4.517213
KA1 2HN 11 0 55.606682 -4.516488
KA1 2HP 30 0 55.607862 -4.516389
KA1 2HQ 12 0 55.603468 -4.518504
KA1 2HR 6 0 55.609339 -4.515832
KA1 2HS 12 0 55.608387 -4.516629
KA1 2HT 12 0 55.608786 -4.515177
KA1 2HW 10 0 55.60543 -4.517948
KA1 2JB 4 0 55.609493 -4.505679