all postcodes in KA16 / NEWMILNS

find any address or company within the KA16 postcode district

Postcode Area

KA / Kilmarnock

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KA16 9LF 1 0 55.61264 -4.319257
KA16 9LG 26 1 55.621782 -4.334807
KA16 9LH 2 0 55.623137 -4.370452
KA16 9LJ 5 0 55.632925 -4.369613
KA16 9LL 3 0 55.611741 -4.349962
KA16 9LP 2 2 55.604587 -4.3499
KA16 9LQ 6 0 55.615569 -4.354241
KA16 9LR 6 0 55.597541 -4.339081
KA16 9LS 11 0 55.584835 -4.313379
KA16 9LT 2 0 55.611087 -4.319595
KA16 9LW 4 1 55.602921 -4.352435
KA16 9ED 6 0 55.607829 -4.324133
KA16 9EY 11 0 55.606817 -4.319215