all postcodes in KA16 / NEWMILNS

find any address or company within the KA16 postcode district

Postcode Area

KA / Kilmarnock

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KA16 9DT 16 0 55.609443 -4.317226
KA16 9DU 22 0 55.609173 -4.317718
KA16 9DW 34 0 55.608584 -4.321304
KA16 9DX 30 0 55.608468 -4.318868
KA16 9DY 12 0 55.608603 -4.319797
KA16 9DZ 13 0 55.610286 -4.319245
KA16 9EA 65 0 55.609086 -4.322778
KA16 9EB 13 0 55.608422 -4.324629
KA16 9EE 27 2 55.607844 -4.32612
KA16 9EF 2 0 55.60797 -4.326127
KA16 9EG 20 0 55.608356 -4.325752
KA16 9EH 14 0 55.608486 -4.327395
KA16 9EJ 10 0 55.608846 -4.329767
KA16 9EL 8 0 55.608124 -4.331804
KA16 9EN 17 0 55.608812 -4.332003
KA16 9EP 10 0 55.610037 -4.330441
KA16 9EQ 5 0 55.608789 -4.326588
KA16 9ER 34 0 55.609038 -4.332874
KA16 9ES 6 0 55.608138 -4.333408
KA16 9ET 22 0 55.608208 -4.327395