all postcodes in KA19 / MAYBOLE

find any address or company within the KA19 postcode district

Postcode Area

KA / Kilmarnock

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KA19 7PD 9 0 55.348821 -4.667614
KA19 7PE 7 0 55.340234 -4.643741
KA19 7PF 1 0 55.348998 -4.638331
KA19 7PG 4 0 55.344539 -4.627135
KA19 7PH 17 1 55.345372 -4.617221
KA19 7PJ 40 1 55.346296 -4.6152
KA19 7PL 6 0 55.345973 -4.614737
KA19 7PN 22 0 55.344825 -4.612958
KA19 7PP 16 1 55.343627 -4.61433
KA19 7PQ 18 0 55.345879 -4.619573
KA19 7PR 5 0 55.341883 -4.617669
KA19 7PS 5 1 55.335929 -4.615731
KA19 7PT 3 0 55.327184 -4.642383
KA19 7PU 8 0 55.329929 -4.653446
KA19 7PW 27 0 55.344114 -4.613841
KA19 7PX 2 0 55.331815 -4.644989
KA19 7PY 8 0 55.315603 -4.655783
KA19 7PZ 1 0 55.309555 -4.664818
KA19 7QA 7 0 55.326192 -4.621269
KA19 7QB 1 0 55.317264 -4.622225