all postcodes in KA2 / KILMARNOCK

find any address or company within the KA2 postcode district

Postcode Area

KA / Kilmarnock

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KA2 0BS 6 0 55.605323 -4.562573
KA2 0BT 8 0 55.597969 -4.558347
KA2 0BU 2 0 55.598386 -4.54948
KA2 0BW 2 1 55.600371 -4.587695
KA2 0BX 7 1 55.604984 -4.547785
KA2 0BY 8 0 55.616095 -4.550264
KA2 0BZ 45 0 55.618646 -4.547385
KA2 0DA 16 0 55.619348 -4.545949
KA2 0DB 2 0 55.620111 -4.54603
KA2 0DE 20 0 55.619958 -4.546961
KA2 0DF 22 0 55.620679 -4.547739
KA2 0DG 20 0 55.621419 -4.54631
KA2 0DH 2 0 55.619285 -4.549423
KA2 0DJ 17 1 55.619402 -4.565017
KA2 0DL 1 1 55.615825 -4.586712
KA2 0DN 2 0 55.625329 -4.593804
KA2 0DP 7 7 55.599226 -4.536775
KA2 0DQ 6 0 55.619378 -4.547639
KA2 0DR 3 0 55.595459 -4.554548
KA2 0DS 12 0 55.622318 -4.545876