all postcodes in KA20 / STEVENSTON

find any address or company within the KA20 postcode district

Postcode Area

KA / Kilmarnock

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
KA20 4AA055.642065-4.765714
KA20 4AB055.641773-4.767622
KA20 4AD055.641794-4.769896
KA20 4AE055.641441-4.770364
KA20 4AF055.642253-4.768244
KA20 4AG055.642339-4.766056
KA20 4AH055.643858-4.76486
KA20 4AJ055.643464-4.764006
KA20 4AL055.642516-4.764162
KA20 4AN055.643009-4.762242
KA20 4AP055.643606-4.760488
KA20 4AQ055.643324-4.76619
KA20 4AR055.64334-4.758736
KA20 4AS155.643606-4.758087
KA20 4AW055.643827-4.762617
KA20 4BA055.644224-4.754189
KA20 4BB055.644949-4.751904
KA20 4BD055.645805-4.751805
KA20 4BE055.646506-4.749819
KA20 4BG055.647234-4.748646