all postcodes in KA24 / DALRY

find any address or company within the KA24 postcode district

Postcode Area

KA / Kilmarnock

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KA24 4DP 5 0 55.704861 -4.702946
KA24 4DQ 50 0 55.706418 -4.706126
KA24 4DR 64 0 55.703468 -4.704967
KA24 4DS 33 0 55.703843 -4.707524
KA24 4DT 34 1 55.704376 -4.706208
KA24 4DU 10 0 55.704993 -4.70754
KA24 4DW 28 0 55.704742 -4.705915
KA24 4DX 31 0 55.705599 -4.706595
KA24 4DY 12 0 55.705596 -4.708346
KA24 4DZ 25 0 55.707019 -4.706582
KA24 4EA 30 0 55.70469 -4.708681
KA24 4EB 3 0 55.713783 -4.701907
KA24 4ED 7 5 55.705407 -4.712424
KA24 4EJ 2 0 55.70205 -4.707141
KA24 4EL 2 0 55.703504 -4.699888
KA24 4EN 1 0 55.704521 -4.686511
KA24 4EP 4 0 55.699444 -4.683122
KA24 4ER 10 0 55.694772 -4.698458
KA24 4EQ 1 0 55.686508 -4.692033
KA24 4ES 1 1 55.685033 -4.70573