all postcodes in KA8 / AYR

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Postcode Area

KA / Kilmarnock

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KA8 8BL 10 5 55.467779 -4.63245
KA8 8BN 16 7 55.466784 -4.63232
KA8 8BQ 20 11 55.468816 -4.633152
KA8 8BU 59 9 55.466852 -4.630822
KA8 8BW 4 2 55.469371 -4.632414
KA8 8BX 12 7 55.468165 -4.629976
KA8 8BY 16 5 55.467769 -4.631231
KA8 8BZ 1 0 55.475795 -4.628379
KA8 8DA 34 7 55.469886 -4.628524
KA8 8DD 33 7 55.471734 -4.626606
KA8 8DF 5 1 55.472799 -4.625585
KA8 8DG 12 11 55.473497 -4.626987
KA8 8DH 6 5 55.472866 -4.627045
KA8 8DL 16 0 55.471995 -4.629076
KA8 8DN 57 0 55.471915 -4.628216
KA8 8DP 7 4 55.469222 -4.629745
KA8 8DS 27 1 55.469866 -4.629029
KA8 8DT 6 4 55.469523 -4.630367
KA8 8DW 12 2 55.471222 -4.629119
KA8 8EB 24 10 55.466226 -4.63029