all postcodes in KA8 / AYR

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Postcode Area

KA / Kilmarnock

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KA8 9LE 1 55.471944 -4.614704
KA8 9LF 1 55.470876 -4.61631
KA8 9LG 0 55.470634 -4.612908
KA8 9LH 2 55.471191 -4.61209
KA8 9LJ 3 55.472391 -4.610176
KA8 9LN 0 55.473189 -4.609037
KA8 9LP 1 55.472339 -4.611787
KA8 9LQ 0 55.471332 -4.612638
KA8 9LR 0 55.471608 -4.613606
KA8 9LS 0 55.469973 -4.616061
KA8 9LT 0 55.470116 -4.616545
KA8 9LU 0 55.469258 -4.617975
KA8 9LW 0 55.472186 -4.612204
KA8 9LX 0 55.46929 -4.616474
KA8 9LY 0 55.469433 -4.618652
KA8 9NA 2 55.470517 -4.618818
KA8 9NB 2 55.469272 -4.620287
KA8 9ND 2 0 55.474971 -4.622812
KA8 9NE 4 1 55.468735 -4.620567
KA8 9NJ 70 0 55.478483 -4.612415