all postcodes in KA9 / PRESTWICK

find any address or company within the KA9 postcode district

Postcode Area

KA / Kilmarnock

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KA9 2LB 1 1 55.502858 -4.604068
KA9 2LD 10 0 55.502385 -4.606872
KA9 2LE 79 1 55.485276 -4.608749
KA9 2LF 12 0 55.4851 -4.60603
KA9 2LG 20 0 55.485626 -4.605796
KA9 2LH 16 0 55.484144 -4.608294
KA9 2LJ 27 1 55.498945 -4.599139
KA9 2LL 32 0 55.497749 -4.597888
KA9 2LN 21 2 55.500644 -4.598712
KA9 2LP 6 0 55.502573 -4.594231
KA9 2LQ 28 0 55.485587 -4.607202
KA9 2LR 18 0 55.48429 -4.606927
KA9 2LS 10 0 55.484737 -4.609995
KA9 2LT 24 0 55.485996 -4.610775
KA9 2LU 22 0 55.486745 -4.611062
KA9 2LW 5 1 55.501517 -4.597835
KA9 2LX 4 0 55.500431 -4.603686
KA9 2LY 60 0 55.500648 -4.596004
KA9 2LZ 65 0 55.501264 -4.595364
KA9 2NB 32 0 55.484703 -4.602284