all postcodes in KA9 / PRESTWICK

find any address or company within the KA9 postcode district

Postcode Area

KA / Kilmarnock

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KA9 2NZ 34 0 55.505905 -4.604935
KA9 2PA 4 1 55.506856 -4.604586
KA9 2PB 3 3 55.508648 -4.6032
KA9 2PG 1 1 55.497687 -4.592326
KA9 2PH 7 2 55.510011 -4.606299
KA9 2PJ 1 1 55.509274 -4.610511
KA9 2PL 10 10 55.509274 -4.610511
KA9 2PR 4 0 55.517106 -4.596867
KA9 2PT 3 3 55.50941 -4.612563
KA9 2PU 47 0 55.517372 -4.598738
KA9 2PW 6 0 55.489356 -4.612581
KA9 2PY 3 0 55.51702 -4.597938
KA9 2QA 6 6 55.511307 -4.612558
KA9 2QF 1 0 55.509019 -4.603921
KA9 2QJ 25 0 55.517507 -4.603373
KA9 2QL 40 2 55.518602 -4.603002
KA9 2QN 14 0 55.518901 -4.602055
KA9 2QP 12 0 55.518779 -4.599353
KA9 2QR 28 0 55.519902 -4.601931
KA9 2QS 16 0 55.519471 -4.601031