all postcodes in KT11 / COBHAM

find any address or company within the KT11 postcode district

Postcode Area

KT / Kingston upon Thames

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KT11 1EN 2 0 51.329913 -0.437082
KT11 1EP 1 0 51.335796 -0.435096
KT11 1EQ 12 5 51.328922 -0.447063
KT11 1ER 21 0 51.338384 -0.434304
KT11 1ES 7 0 51.338002 -0.436671
KT11 1ET 4 0 51.338799 -0.437075
KT11 1EU 9 0 51.342025 -0.435601
KT11 1EW 2 1 51.334462 -0.434961
KT11 1EX 1 0 51.344614 -0.434824
KT11 1EZ 1 0 51.3441 -0.423355
KT11 1HA 1 1 51.342208 -0.424367
KT11 1HB 9 1 51.338592 -0.426315
KT11 1HD 1 0 51.333696 -0.424688
KT11 1HG 48 0 51.335962 -0.402775
KT11 1HL 76 0 51.335498 -0.420908
KT11 1HN 18 0 51.331714 -0.418397
KT11 1HP 14 0 51.336814 -0.404554
KT11 1HQ 41 0 51.335265 -0.404378
KT11 1HR 6 0 51.333881 -0.421753
KT11 1HS 38 2 51.335443 -0.408219