all postcodes in KT13 / WEYBRIDGE

find any address or company within the KT13 postcode district

Postcode Area

KT / Kingston upon Thames

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KT13 0DT 75 0 51.363104 -0.45054
KT13 0DW 12 0 51.365461 -0.445864
KT13 0DZ 34 0 51.364621 -0.448923
KT13 0ED 15 0 51.364578 -0.436887
KT13 0EE 3 0 51.364957 -0.437679
KT13 0EF 9 0 51.363282 -0.43752
KT13 0EG 22 0 51.364042 -0.43715
KT13 0EH 5 0 51.363707 -0.438382
KT13 0EL 6 0 51.363875 -0.438132
KT13 0EN 12 0 51.363292 -0.439588
KT13 0EP 20 0 51.364151 -0.43938
KT13 0EQ 2 0 51.363597 -0.437618
KT13 0ER 22 0 51.365162 -0.436839
KT13 0ES 4 0 51.363516 -0.440198
KT13 0ET 5 0 51.363385 -0.440533
KT13 0BF 13 0 51.362893 -0.441354
KT13 0EW 13 0 51.364475 -0.438658
KT13 0EY 5 0 51.362734 -0.440282
KT13 0FS 1 1 51.373412 -0.457549
KT13 0FY 1 1 51.373412 -0.457549