all postcodes in KT1 / THAMES DITTON

find any address or company within the KT1 postcode district

Postcode Area

KT / Kingston upon Thames

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KT1 2LJ 8 0 51.398816 -0.307712
KT1 2LL 71 1 51.39905 -0.307136
KT1 2LN 27 0 51.398732 -0.30507
KT1 2LP 16 0 51.39925 -0.306597
KT1 2LQ 18 0 51.399499 -0.308313
KT1 2LR 36 0 51.39834 -0.305897
KT1 2LS 12 0 51.3987 -0.307156
KT1 2LT 9 0 51.404029 -0.307556
KT1 2LU 10 2 51.40392 -0.307445
KT1 2LX 12 0 51.404674 -0.307345
KT1 2LZ 24 0 51.403013 -0.307529
KT1 2NA 5 1 51.401775 -0.307754
KT1 2ND 10 0 51.401192 -0.307819
KT1 2NE 9 0 51.400168 -0.307935
KT1 2NG 14 0 51.402502 -0.307627
KT1 2NH 1 1 51.408484 -0.303459
KT1 2NJ 28 1 51.40595 -0.307327
KT1 2NN 4 0 51.406914 -0.307421
KT1 2NP 14 0 51.408346 -0.300732
KT1 2NR 17 2 51.408842 -0.30085