all postcodes in KT20 / TADWORTH

find any address or company within the KT20 postcode district

Postcode Area

KT / Kingston upon Thames

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KT20 6EH 0 51.294401 -0.212038
KT20 6EJ 1 51.294401 -0.212038
KT20 6HT 1 51.293911 -0.207521
KT20 6EN 3 51.294761 -0.211375
KT20 6EP 1 51.296694 -0.212519
KT20 6ES 0 51.298069 -0.21304
KT20 6ET 0 51.296125 -0.209457
KT20 6EX 0 51.296442 -0.210177
KT20 6EZ 1 51.295133 -0.212224
KT20 6HB 0 51.29912 -0.211309
KT20 6HD 0 51.301119 -0.20852
KT20 6HE 0 51.298713 -0.216945
KT20 6HH 0 51.300925 -0.211638
KT20 6HJ 0 51.299237 -0.213582
KT20 6HL 0 51.299506 -0.215354
KT20 6HN 0 51.299165 -0.220083
KT20 6HR 0 51.292103 -0.206358
KT20 6HS 0 51.294246 -0.211209
KT20 6HU 0 51.292816 -0.206531
KT20 6HW 0 51.298803 -0.215177