all postcodes in KT20 / TADWORTH

find any address or company within the KT20 postcode district

Postcode Area

KT / Kingston upon Thames

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KT20 5SR 19 7 51.291262 -0.235108
KT20 5SS 19 1 51.291267 -0.234157
KT20 5ST 25 1 51.292786 -0.233511
KT20 5SU 3 0 51.293691 -0.231629
KT20 5SW 14 0 51.291159 -0.232354
KT20 5SX 23 0 51.291995 -0.231734
KT20 5TA 29 0 51.295324 -0.23545
KT20 5TB 29 0 51.295689 -0.234619
KT20 5TD 30 0 51.292256 -0.230605
KT20 5TF 37 0 51.295557 -0.232533
KT20 5TG 2 2 51.291558 -0.234949
KT20 5TH 39 2 51.294799 -0.228084
KT20 5TJ 11 0 51.292911 -0.227497
KT20 5TL 5 0 51.293554 -0.226023
KT20 5TN 8 0 51.294257 -0.226756
KT20 5TP 9 0 51.296397 -0.228495
KT20 5TQ 18 0 51.297907 -0.234993
KT20 5TR 12 0 51.296671 -0.229962
KT20 5TS 6 0 51.295656 -0.229442
KT20 5TT 16 0 51.295303 -0.229872