all postcodes in KT22 / LEATHERHEAD

find any address or company within the KT22 postcode district

Postcode Area

KT / Kingston upon Thames

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KT22 9LE 57 1 51.294645 -0.347324
KT22 9LG 29 3 51.295479 -0.349661
KT22 9LH 19 0 51.295839 -0.3484
KT22 9LJ 41 1 51.297628 -0.349145
KT22 9LN 2 1 51.298754 -0.348617
KT22 9LP 37 0 51.296322 -0.344396
KT22 9LS 25 1 51.295994 -0.344766
KT22 9LU 18 0 51.295319 -0.34469
KT22 9LY 16 0 51.29427 -0.344957
KT22 9LZ 5 0 51.287742 -0.359059
KT22 9NB 16 0 51.288645 -0.358023
KT22 9ND 12 2 51.290327 -0.356128
KT22 9NE 6 0 51.290955 -0.356033
KT22 9NF 8 0 51.289969 -0.355595
KT22 9NG 26 0 51.287284 -0.358459
KT22 9NH 12 0 51.289342 -0.367966
KT22 9NJ 7 0 51.289893 -0.36819
KT22 9NL 10 0 51.288869 -0.36695
KT22 9NN 11 0 51.288246 -0.368736
KT22 9NP 17 0 51.287988 -0.366336