all postcodes in KT23 / LEATHERHEAD

find any address or company within the KT23 postcode district

Postcode Area

KT / Kingston upon Thames

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KT23 4SD 1 0 51.277262 -0.366487
KT23 4SE 12 0 51.276558 -0.36634
KT23 4SH 16 0 51.2767 -0.366822
KT23 4SJ 2 0 51.277118 -0.367889
KT23 4SL 33 0 51.276228 -0.36843
KT23 4SQ 25 0 51.276461 -0.367103
KT23 4SR 5 0 51.277288 -0.369683
KT23 4SS 3 0 51.277488 -0.371861
KT23 4ST 1 1 51.278184 -0.363119
KT23 4SU 22 0 51.277175 -0.37125
KT23 4SX 4 0 51.277225 -0.36709
KT23 4WG 1 1 51.296062 -0.333705
KT23 4WN 1 1 51.296062 -0.333705
KT23 4YT 1 1 51.296062 -0.333705
KT23 4AP 4 0 51.283981 -0.36599
KT23 4NG 6 0 51.272909 -0.374856
KT23 4BF 0 51.280458 -0.359692
KT23 4EB 0 51.279252 -0.362789
KT23 4EQ 0 51.280192 -0.371574
KT23 4DT 5 1 51.277979 -0.366332