all postcodes in KT3 / NEW MALDEN

find any address or company within the KT3 postcode district

Postcode Area

KT / Kingston upon Thames

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KT3 3SS 15 2 51.40308 -0.272733
KT3 3ST 64 48 51.401611 -0.27064
KT3 3SW 1 1 51.403944 -0.274584
KT3 3SX 1 1 51.402966 -0.2723
KT3 3SY 2 2 51.404154 -0.272333
KT3 3TB 20 0 51.401074 -0.277518
KT3 3TD 12 0 51.401528 -0.277817
KT3 3TE 16 0 51.400801 -0.276119
KT3 3TF 29 0 51.400442 -0.276722
KT3 3TG 27 0 51.401786 -0.275795
KT3 3TH 12 0 51.401606 -0.277648
KT3 3TJ 6 0 51.406128 -0.259318
KT3 3TL 6 0 51.406215 -0.258475
KT3 3TN 6 0 51.406097 -0.259031
KT3 3TP 49 0 51.40607 -0.262066
KT3 3TQ 14 0 51.401857 -0.276381
KT3 3TR 32 0 51.40563 -0.263875
KT3 3TU 1 1 51.410227 -0.263427
KT3 3TW 34 2 51.406438 -0.259588
KT3 3TX 8 2 51.410048 -0.26224