all postcodes in KT3 / NEW MALDEN

find any address or company within the KT3 postcode district

Postcode Area

KT / Kingston upon Thames

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KT3 4NA 1 1 51.399834 -0.242458
KT3 4NB 1 1 51.400095 -0.241346
KT3 4ND 1 1 51.400364 -0.240655
KT3 4NE 18 14 51.400633 -0.238809
KT3 4NH 1 1 51.400794 -0.237504
KT3 4NL 16 8 51.400068 -0.238912
KT3 4NN 11 1 51.39966 -0.240438
KT3 4NP 1 1 51.399448 -0.241926
KT3 4NR 1 1 51.398905 -0.248316
KT3 4NS 10 4 51.39891 -0.248623
KT3 4NT 23 13 51.398896 -0.249515
KT3 4NU 27 8 51.398685 -0.251622
KT3 4NW 39 5 51.399613 -0.240948
KT3 4NX 18 0 51.398765 -0.250937
KT3 4NY 16 2 51.398623 -0.253502
KT3 4PA 3 3 51.398029 -0.247463
KT3 4PB 1 1 51.400917 -0.241554
KT3 4PH 7 7 51.401071 -0.242833
KT3 4PT 14 14 51.401135 -0.244728
KT3 4PJ 1 1 51.402343 -0.24009