all postcodes in KT4 / WORCESTER PARK

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Postcode Area

KT / Kingston upon Thames

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KT4 8DE 36 0 51.387284 -0.24028
KT4 8DF 50 0 51.387491 -0.239755
KT4 8DG 38 0 51.384477 -0.241441
KT4 8DH 40 0 51.384629 -0.241963
KT4 8DP 1 1 51.378377 -0.2418
KT4 8DQ 39 0 51.385634 -0.239457
KT4 8DJ 8 0 51.384945 -0.237883
KT4 8DL 16 0 51.385666 -0.23616
KT4 8DR 13 7 51.379706 -0.244062
KT4 8DS 1 1 51.379516 -0.244027
KT4 8DT 22 10 51.379156 -0.243422
KT4 8DU 19 0 51.378747 -0.24249
KT4 8DW 1 1 51.378866 -0.242629
KT4 8DX 1 1 51.378121 -0.243366
KT4 8ES 10 3 51.377818 -0.241208
KT4 8DY 26 14 51.378616 -0.242193
KT4 8DZ 1 1 51.378362 -0.24146
KT4 8EA 26 0 51.37737 -0.239472
KT4 8EB 28 9 51.377681 -0.240375
KT4 8EG 21 9 51.377111 -0.239008