all postcodes in KT6 / SURBITON

find any address or company within the KT6 postcode district

Postcode Area

KT / Kingston upon Thames

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KT6 5NP 0 51.393223 -0.314013
KT6 5NR 0 51.391889 -0.314386
KT6 5NS 0 51.392004 -0.313002
KT6 5NT 3 51.391484 -0.310627
KT6 5NW 0 51.393648 -0.31412
KT6 5NX 0 51.391627 -0.313677
KT6 5PJ 0 51.393198 -0.315437
KT6 5PL 5 51.39192 -0.310367
KT6 5PN 0 51.391151 -0.31189
KT6 5PP 2 51.392573 -0.311995
KT6 5PQ 4 51.391492 -0.309312
KT6 5PR 0 51.39311 -0.312976
KT6 5PS 0 51.392541 -0.311637
KT6 5PT 2 51.393717 -0.314627
KT6 5PW 1 51.391576 -0.311997
KT6 5PX 0 51.391701 -0.318849
KT6 5PY 0 51.391052 -0.318096
KT6 5PZ 1 51.391054 -0.32133
KT6 5QB 2 51.392286 -0.319517
KT6 5QD 1 51.392286 -0.319517